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Nov 21, 2019 - 6 Steps to Building a Sound Cybersecurity Strategy

Nov 21, 2019

By: Paul Breitenbach

Blog Author

Paul Breitenbach is the CIO of CompassMSP.


The success of your company is only as good as your cybersecurity. In the information age, you need to guard your client’s information and your company resources as closely as castles once guarded the royal treasure. 

And that’s where CompassMSP comes in.

The Steps to Cybersecurity Strategy

As a managed IT, support specialist that values collaboration, innovation, and transparency above all things, we know that keeping your server safe is always a top priority. With cyberattack toolkits and methodologies becoming more advanced, companies will have more to defend than ever before.

That’s exactly why we put together this list of the top measures you can take to protect you and your client’s security.

Implement an Industrial Control System (ICS): An ICS system is what you use to integrate the various hardware and software components of your system. From supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and distributed control systems (DCS) to remote terminal units (RTUs) and intelligent electronic devices (IEDs), the ICS system allows you to monitor and control all aspects of your network from one place, keeping you constantly aware of breaches or changes from outside sources.

Conduct Frequent Tests and Reviews: Don’t let too much time go by without testing your cybersecurity. Running tests and reviews will help you to pinpoint weak points in your security. While there are many programs that you can run independently, nothing beats having a managed IT team on your side to run advanced diagnostics from their end.

Develop a Cross-Functional Cybersecurity Team: To really protect yourself from the various threats to your system, you want to have a security team that includes experts in different disciples. From software and network security to insider threat and process control, every aspect of your cybersecurity should be designed and implemented by an expert in that niche field. Only an expert managed security team, with a cross-functional professional team, can guarantee that you will be protected by the top talent at every level.

Maintain an OT-Environment Inventory: Operations Technology (OT) refers to the systems you have in place to monitor your Industrial Control System (ICS). By creating an inventory of these items that are maintained regularly you can stay on top of changes that may affect the security of your overall system right away instead of later. 

Implement Protective Monitoring: Because many of the most potentially harmful cybersecurity threats come from the inside, protective monitoring is an absolute must. A good managed IT team will always monitor the risks of those that already have access to your system, and identify where potential problems may arise well ahead of when they do.

Plan For the Worst: The truth is that not every cyber-attack can be avoided, but that doesn’t mean that you have to suffer big losses when they do. You’ll want to prepare secure data backups – these will help keep your business running strong in the event of a catastrophic disaster. 


Start Your Cybersecurity Strategy

CompassMSP is a dedicated managed IT services provider that will help you keep your business technology up and running and at its best, even in the face of fierce outside threats. 
For those that depend on top-notch safety, there really is a no better investment to make. For more information about how we can bring you up to the highest level of cybersecurity possible contact us today.

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