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Aug 28, 2019 - Which IT Support Model is Right For You, Managed or Co-Managed IT?

Aug 28, 2019

By: Ari Santiago

Blog Author

Ari Santiago is the CEO of CompassMSP.


All businesses require IT support; it’s just a matter of choosing the right type. When you’re trying to choose between AutoPilot (fully managed IT) or CoPilot (co-managed IT), having an understanding of how they work makes a big difference. It all comes down to how much you want to be involved in your IT strategy development and implementation. If what you’re looking for is to take your hand off the wheel and focus on other aspects of your business, AutoPilot has you covered. If instead you want the same quality, IT expertise and resources, yet still want to have a hand in developing your IT planning and execution, CoPilot is what you’re looking for.

With AutoPilot, you can take your hand off the wheel

AutoPilot is a completely customized service that allows you to get IT done, without having to do IT yourself. You give us your goals, and we develop the strategy, set forth the resources required, and navigate your IT roadmap – and you don’t have to do anything.

What are the benefits of using AutoPilot?

AutoPilot gives you the freedom from having to manage day-to-day or even big picture IT support. IT management is critical, but it’s also time intensive. You can instead allocate that lost time towards other matters in your company deserving of your attention. It’s like that time was just magically handed back to you. 

We’re bringing our expert-level experience with us, too. We know where workflow bottlenecks are. We know the best way to implement your business goals in an IT environment. Once you tell us what it is you want from IT, we set out to create the perfect roadmap to your success. That’s all you have to do.

With CoPilot, you read the directions – we’ll handle the rest

CoPilot acts like a traditional support model, we take directions from you to achieve your IT needs. As a CIO or IT manager, you’ll be there every step of the way as we implement whatever you request. You’ll still be in complete control of your IT strategy, you’ll just have more help. 

The CoPilot IT support model is ideal when you and your employees need a little assistance with new technology. It helps you overcome communication barriers, as you don’t need to explain what’s happening to the person on the other end. In many ways, using CoPilot is a great way to support those who will support you. 

What are the benefits of CoPilot?

CoPilot gives you more time to focus on your IT strategy overall. It achieves this by offloading Level 1 and 2 tasks. When you use CoPilot, you also gain additional support for your IT strategy. If you so wish, you can access support for cybersecurity, VoIP, and compliance processes. 

What you really gain is a team of experts that talk with you, give you the resources and information that you need to achieve your vision, and then set out with you to achieve this vision. It’s someone at the helm with you, helping every step of the way.

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